Saturday 1 April 2017

Internal Combustion Engines Nomenclature, Performance Parameters and Power Ratings

Internal Combustion Engines Nomenclature,Performance Parameters and Power Ratings

Know about all the engine performance parameters like IHP, BHP Volumetric
Efficiency and also about MCR, astern output etc. These are the basic terms that you
need to know when you are studying the Internal Combustion Engine.

Internal Combustion Engines Nomenclature

Cylinder Bore (d) – The nominal inner diameter of the working cylinder is called
as cylinder bore. It is denoted by the letter ‘d’ and is usually expressed in mm.
Piston Area (A) – The area of circle of diameter equal to the cylinder bore is called
as piston area. It is denoted by the letter ‘A’ and is expressed in cm .
Stroke (L) – The nominal distance through which piston moves between successive
reversals of its direction of motion is called the stroke. It is denoted by the letter ‘L’
and is usually expressed in mm.
Stroke to Bore Ratio (L/d) – This ratio is an important parameter in classifying
the size of engine.
If d < L it is called under square engine
If d = L it is called square engine
If d > L it is called as over square engine.
Dead Centre – The position of working piston and the moving parts which are
connected to it, so when the piston motion is reversed at the either end of the stroke
is called the dead centre. There are two dead centres in an engine. They are Top Dead
Centre and Bottom Dead Centre.
Top Dead Centre (TDC) – It is the dead centre when the piston is farthest from
the crank shaft. It is denoted as TDC for vertical engines and Inner Dead Centre
(IDC) for horizontal engines.
Bottom Dead Centre (BDC) – It is a dead centre when piston is nearest to the
crankshaft. It is denoted as BDC for vertical engines and Outer Dead Centre (ODC)
for horizontal engines.
Displacement or Swept Volume (Vs) – The nominal volume swept by the
working piston when travelling from one dead centre to other is called the
displacement volume. It is denoted by Vs and expressed in cubic centimeter (cc). Vs
= A x L
Cubic capacity or engine capacity – The displacement volume of a cylinder
multiplied by number of cylinders in an engine will give cubic capacity or engine
Clearance Volume (Vc) – The nominal volume of combustion chamber above the
piston when it is at top dead centre is known as clearance volume. It is denoted by Vc
and expressed in cubic centimeter (cc).
Compression Ratio (r) – It is ratio of total cylinder volume when piston is at
bottom dead centre to the clearance volume.
It is denoted by letter ‘r’(Total cylinder volume =Swept volume + clearance volume)
Hence, r = Vc + Vs / Vc = 1 + Vs / Vc
As compression ratio increases the thermal efficiency increases but it also leads
higher peak pressure and temperature. The upper limit of compression ratio is
therefore fixed by strength of cylinder, bearing and other parts whose stresses are
determined by peak values of mechanical and thermal loading. Large marine engines
use compression ratio of 1214 whereas medium speed engines use compression ratio
of 16. Life boat diesel engine which needs good starting ability even in cold climate
have compression ratio of 20.

Internal Combustion Engine Performance

Indicated Thermal Efficiency – Indicated thermal efficiency is the ratio of
energy in indicated power ( i.e. output generated in the cylinder) to input fuel energy
in appropriate units. Indicated Power is measured by taking indicator diagram from
engine cylinder. Brake Thermal Efficiency Brake thermal efficiency is the ratio of
energy in the brake power ( i.e. output available at the driving shaft of engine) to
input fuel energy in appropriate units. Brake Power can be measured by using
hydraulic dynamometer.
Mechanical Efficiency – Mechanical efficiency is defined as ratio of brake
power (delivered power) to the indicated power ( power provided to the piston ).
Volumetric Efficiency – Volumetric efficiency is ratio of volume of air drawn in
the cylinder (at normal temperature and pressure) to the swept volume. It is one of
the important parameters which decides the performance of four stroke engines.
Four stroke engines have distinct suction stroke and therefore the volumetric
efficiency indicates the breathing ability of the engine. It must be noted that the
availability of air and its utilization determines the power output of the engine. In a
naturally aspirated four stroke engine the volumetric efficiency is between 85% to
Mean Effective Pressure – It is that theoretical constant pressure which may
be assumed to act on piston during its power stroke. It is equal to the average
pressure inside the cylinder of an IC engine based on calculated or measured power
ip = pimLAnK / 60 x 1000 then
pim = 60000 x ip / LAnK where
ip = indicated power (kW)
pim = indicated mean effective pressure ( N/m2)
L = Length of stroke (m)
A = Area of the piston (m2)
N = Speed in RPM
n = Number of power strokes
N/2 for 4 stroke engine and N for 2 stroke engine
K = Number of cylinders
Another way of specifying indicated mean effective pressure pim is from engine
indicator diagram (p–V diagram). In this case pim = Area of indicator diagram /
length of indicator diagram..
Mean Piston Speed (sp) – It is an important engine parameter and is defined
as sp = 2LN where L = stroke and N = RPM. It is often a more appropriate parameter
than crank shaft speed for correlating engine behavior as a function of speed.
The above expression which is a part of power equation suggests that power can
simply be increased by increasing m.p.s. However it can be done only the limitations
imposed by following factors:
1) Increase in m.p.s increases mechanical stresses on bearings, bearing bolts and
other moving parts. It also increases inertia forces and peak turning moments.
2) Increase in m.p.s also decreases service life of reciprocating and rotating pairs of
engine components. (Though speed is not the only criteria for wear when working
conditions involve higher temperatures and pressures with lubrication being in the
thin film region speed needs to be limited for greater reliability and safety. )
3) Beyond certain speed scavenge efficiency drops sharply and this lowers engine
output. At higher m.p.s. resistance of gases to flow in and out of cylinder increases
and scavenge efficiency drops.
Mean Piston Speed Classification based on it:
Low speed- 4.5 m/s to 7 m/s
Medium speed -7m/ s to 10 m/s
High speed -10m/s to 15 m/s
Specific Fuel Consumption (sfc) – The fuel consumption characteristics of an
engine are generally expressed in terms of specific fuel consumption in gms / kWhr.
It is an important parameter that reflects how good the engine performance is. It is
inversely proportional to the thermal efficiency of engine. Fuel consumption is
measured by carrying out a test which subjects engine to a constant rated load for
half an hour and consumption of fuel by engine is measured by suitably located fuel
flow meters. The test is repeated and average value taken as sfc.
Scavenge Efficiency – The ratio of volume of air (at normal temperature and
pressure) contained in cylinder at the start of compression to the volume swept by
the piston from top edge of the ports to the top of its stroke is called as scavenge
Air Charge Ratio -The ratio of volume of air (at normal temperature and
pressure) contained in cylinder at the start of compression to the swept volume of
piston is called as air charge ratio. It is also referred to as air mass ratio or air supply
ratio. This term has now more or less replaced the terms scavenge efficiency and
volumetric efficiency.
Air Charge Ratio – In four stroke engines for naturally aspirated engines air
charge ratio is about 0.85 whereas for highly super charged engine it is 4 or above it.
In two stroke engines the value is about 0.85 for engines have ported scavenge and
exhaust and it is up to 2.5 for supercharged engines.
Internal Combustion Engine Power Ratings
Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) – The maximum continuous rating
signifies the maximum output at which the engine can run safely and continuously.
This output forms the basis of calculation for the strength of engine.
Normal or Standard Rating – The normal of standard rating signifies the
output at service speed. The service speed is that speed which is regarded as
economical for efficiency and corresponds to thermal and mechanical load best
suited from maintenance point of view.
Overload Rating – The overload rating signifies the extent of overload that can be
safely exerted on the engine for a short period.
Astern Output – It signifies the maximum output while going astern.
So these are the terminology that we use for the Internal Combustion Engine.


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